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Report:General Info | Association Ends

Association establis/make phone calls

This allows the VOIP packets to be specially routed

General Info
Name  establis/make phone calls
Abstract  false

Association Ends
End A ATA188 at village PC1..* phone CPE
End B Jahi route tablephone serivce routing

Association End ATA188 at village PC

General Info
Name  ATA188 at village PC
Element  phone CPE
Association  establis/make phone calls
Visibility  private
Aggregation Kind  none
Navigable  true
Multiplicity  1..*
Changeability  changeable
Ordering  unordered
Scope  instance

Association End Jahi route table

General Info
Name  Jahi route table
Element  phone serivce routing
Association  establis/make phone calls
Visibility  private
Aggregation Kind  none
Navigable  true
Multiplicity  1
Changeability  changeable
Ordering  unordered
Scope  instance